Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mmmm -- Yummy

Ah, yes. December First has arrived; Hanukkah starts tonight, but I don't celebrate that. I'm a Christmas gal, myself (But Happy Hanukkah to those that do celebrate). December First also brings around the end of something that many people love and detest -- NaNoWriMo. Some lose, but most people who don't procrastinate win with, like, an extra ten words. Like me.

Yeah, I won. With an extra ten words. I am such an over-achiever! I actually finished on the twenty-eighth, because I really wanted to play my Rune Factory game the next day instead of work on my NaNo after homework. So I crapped out a few more words, and DONE. Like Easy-Bake, but no brownie. Just a t-shirt and a certificate.


Remember when I said I would start on my Science Fiction project? Well, I finished watching Push today, and thus a new idea has popped into my imagination (I'm going to start calling my brain something cooler, The Cave maybe). Right now it's called Chrono in my head, but it's bound to change. I don't have any details on it, so I'll spare you my bits and pieces.

So, how did I celebrate my winning of NaNoWriMo? By going to the doctor to get a pulmonary test and Chest X-Ray! I got to miss school, so it's all good. :)
Except for the missing school part, I feel like I'm going to be really behind (especially with finals coming up)! Blood test results also came in -- I'm not anemic or anything else they were testing for. Good, good.

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