Saturday, November 27, 2010

Introductions Are Semi-Important

Oh, hello there. My name is Makaria Lee Isadora Anderson, though you may have already guessed the first two names. I prefer to go by Makaria Lee, and just leave out the other two names out unless it's important business. Honestly, Makaria Lee just has such a nice ring to it all by itself.

The title of this blog, like many others, has a purpose. You may or may not know that I am aspiring to be a novelist, and the two subjects of my blog title (mythology and science fiction) are my two main themes. For NaNoWriMo, I have been writing with the theme of mythology (you can see the suckish blog -- which will be deleted a few days after NaNo ends -- on my profile. I don't think you'll want to, though. It is very dull). My focus character is the little known goddess of the Blessed Dead, Makaria (who is also where I deprive my pseudonym). While writing MAKARIA, however, I made the mistake of watching History Channel's Ancient Aliens, which caused me to flashback to my childhood.

You see, around the third grade, my friends and I played a science fiction game -- though for the love of all things good in the world, I cannot remember what we called it. But the basis was that there were three princesses (sometimes sisters) that were born on the moon of some alien planet, and were somehow brought to Earth to protect it. I was cast* as the youngest -- and sometimes most important because of her ability and connection to the "ultimate evil"-- princess. Even at the time I thought, Wow, this would make an awesome book series! I even started to write short stories about the three girls**, and I was only in fourth grade when I started doing that!

Throughout the years after that, I changed a lot of the ideas. I lost contact with one of the girls I played the game with (the one who thought it up, actually) and the other I rarely talk to now. So, because I now know nothing of their characters anymore, I had to cut out their characters from my version of our game. They of course, will be having multiple cameos. I forgot the name we gave to the "ultimate evil", so I renamed him. I created the planet (which we originally called Cloudy Island, and is now Clous for a technical name) in which the main characters live until they are transported to Earth. I've even designed some of their languages! If you can't tell, I'm really excited about the idea.

Back in the eighth grade, I actually worked on this for a little while. I had started a collection of short stories I had titled The Story of Twins which told some moments in the Royal Family of Clous's life; mostly the two twins, Hissarina (my character in the game) and Cosmos. I happened to stumble across that today, and I decided not only that they needed to be rewritten, but they also needed a whoooole new series behind them. I needed to write out a timeline, basic plot elements, characters, HUGE events, personalities, EVERYTHING!

And so I will, but not right now. Because I'm typing this right now, and NaNo is also still going on.

NaNoWriMo is almost over; once it is I'll begin this project. I don't think MAKARIA is going to see the light of day for a little while. The Greek Gods, however, will have a place in my new series. Especially Hades.


P.S.- Originally, I was going to have this be a boring, sophisticated sounding post (I'm sure you can still find where I planned to do that in some places) and then break out in the end like "You actually though I talked like that? HAHA!" I decided I didn't want to do that, though, so I didn't.

*I say this because we never ever changed characters, ever

 **with lots of inspiration from the Powerpuff Girls!

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