Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hyperventilation? No…

Well, finals are tomorrow. Everyone seems to be freaking out, I'm pretty much mellow on the subject. Sure it's ten percent and it might bring my grade down a little, but I have a good memory. That and, like, a ninety-nine in one of my most hated subjects. How does that happen? The only final I'm really worried about is the Integrated Science final, because our teacher in that class doesn't really teach. I like her because she's really nice, but she's one of the teachers who say "I don't believe in evolution, but I'm not telling you to believe or not believe that, I just don't believe in evolution. I believe that God…" Um, I respect your views and everything, but did you know you can get fired for saying that? It's like an English teacher saying she doesn't believe in the semi-colon because it's not in the Bible or some other Holy text.

I'm a tad bit worried about US History, but I think I'll get enough right that the wrongs won't matter too much. I hope anyway. Algebra is another I'm kinda iffy on, but I think it's the same thing with the right-to-wrong ratio. That's about all I'm worried about (except maybe the STD part of Life Skills, yikes), so I'm hoping my attitude about the subject won't vary tomorrow.

If we're at school tomorrow. Weather man and Mom say probably not. I'll have to punch someone if we do miss, because then our finals will be mashed up to one day.



  1. don't be dissing Christians, ma'am. they're just trying to stand up for what they believe in. and maybe they would get fired, but eh, 99% of teachers in our school system talk about God, 'cause most of them are Christians.

    but it's okay. you're still my friend :)

    and i hate finals.


    especially integrated science. :/

    -anna :)

  2. I'm not dissing Christians, I'm just sayin' she could get fired for saying that.

    And, uh, we have them today.

    I believe you have integrated science today.

    Nooooooooo. ;)
