Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mythical Inaccuracies in the Movies - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

First of all I'd like to congratulate Percy Jackson, you did a lot better than I expected (I'm saying that to all the people who wrote, directed, animated, etc. the movie). Unlike Clash of the Titans (2010), I was actually able to finish the movie in a day without much trouble. Also, Percy is only getting One post because of how few inaccuracies there were, but I'm not talking two or three. Twenty-six is the number I got. If anyone finds something that I missed, or can disprove one of mine with a valid reason, go ahead and message me.
I'd also like to say that comparing Clash of the Titans (2010) and Percy Jackson would be like comparing the fighting styles of Odysseus and Heracles. The two are completely different movies with the same basis for their story: Greek Mythology. I was actually surprised to find out that Percy Jackson, despite being about a boy rather than the myths themselves, had less inaccuracies than Clash, which was actually based on the myth of Perseus itself. Though Percy did have less time to actually go into the myths, it isn't that surprising after all.

  1. Poseidon states that omnipotence has blinded Zeus.
    1. Zeus was not omnipotent. Omnipotence means that a person holds unlimited power, something which Zeus certainly did not have. While he was King of the Gods, he did not hold power over the oceans, the Underworld, fate, the sun, the moon, and the like. He only held power over what was in his domain.
  2. Mr. Brunner (Chiron) and Luke later in the movie speaks of Hercules.
    1. Hercules was the Roman name for the mortal-turned-god Heracles, also known by his birth-name Alcides. The only reason this is counted wrong is because Chiron and Luke both use the Greek names for every other name from mythology. This isn’t really the movie’s fault, though, it’s Disney’s.
  3. The appearance of the Fury.
    1. The Erinyes were only ugly in appearance due to being wreathed with snakes and blood dripping from their eyes. Otherwise, besides a pair of wings, they seemed to resemble women. Other depictions show them with bat or bird wings and a body resembling that of a dog.
  4. Grover’s status as a satyr.
    1. Satyrs in Greek mythology were man from the wait up and goat from the waist down, this is shown in the movie. However, Satyrs also have the tail of a horse, horns (shown later in the movie), and partial facial appearance of a goat (long ears and long beards being the most commonly shown). Based on appearance, Grover is a faun. Fauns are the Roman equivalent, and are upper half man (with the exception of horns) lower half goat and no other additions.
  5. Annabeth is the daughter of Athena.
    1. Athena was one of the three virgin goddess, the other two being Artemis and Hestia. I would be lying if I said she didn’t have any children in mythology, just look up Erikhthonios and you might understand. Other than that, Athena was a model virgin and never had intercourse (Annabeth and Athena’s other children’s births are vaguely explain in the Percy Jackson book series, Battle of the Labyrinth  page 197).
  6. Chiron states that it’s exceedingly rare for a child to be born of the big three (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades).
    1. Most of the heroes and characters in general of the myths are either children of Zeus or of Poseidon. There are exceptions of course (Achilles and Odysseus for example). Seeing as it’s hard to change how you’ve acted for a few thousand years, I doubt that it’s rare for Zeus to have demigod children.
  7. Hades’s fiery, demonic appearance at the camp.
    1. Though it wasn’t necessarily that hard to anger Hades, he never would’ve shown himself in such a demonic form. Though it does look rather amazing, and I want the action figure really badly, it is a bad interpretation of Hades, looking more like someone would expect when they meet Satan rather than a fair god like Hades.
  8. Luke states that the gods only care about themselves.
    1. While this is most certainly true in most cases, some gods put others in front of them in certain circumstances. Demeter, for example, put the entire human population in danger if she didn’t get her daughter back and learn that she was safe and sound. Prometheus is well known for defying Zeus many a times in order to help the humans life comfortably. Hermes and Athena were both well known for helping humans, and Zeus helped his own sons and daughters many times. Of course, Luke is simply exaggerating his point, attempting to turn demigods against their parents.
  9. ‘Persephone’s Pearls’
    1. Persephone was the goddess of springtime, the changing of seasons, and the Earth’s fertility. Pearls were associated with the likes of Poseidon, Amphitrite, and other oceanic deities. It does not make much sense at all as to why Persephone uses pearls instead of flowers in order to help her ‘visitors’ escape.
  10. Hades keeps Persephone prisoner.
    1. Hades loved his wife very much and would cause her no ill will. During her time in the Underworld she was free to travel the realm as she wished, trusted by her husband one hundred percent. Hades loved her so much that he often took her advice in situations (Orpheus, Psyche, and -- in some myths -- Theseus and Heracles).
  11. Persephone has ‘secret visitors’.
    1. Persephone was very faithful to her husband, never purposefully having children with other gods (though she did fall in love with Adonis). She was raped twice by Zeus. There is proof in one of the rapes that Persephone loved Hades very much, for Zeus had disguised himself as Hades to trick her.
  12. Medusa alive and well.
    1. Medusa was the only one of the three gorgons to have been mortal. Being so, she dead forever once the original Perseus killed her. It’s not out of the question, though, that the gods would have her reborn as a challenge to future demigods.
  13. Medusa’s sisters are not present.
    1. Tellings differ over whether or not Medusa was biologically the sister of Stheno and Euryale, but most tellings say that they were inseparable.  Stheno and Euryale were both immortal and greatly mourned the loss of their sister, it is unlikely that they would not have accompanied her.
  14. Janitor’s turning into the Hyrda.
    1. Seeing as the movie does absolutely nothing to explain the existence of the Mist as it is in the books, we can assume it does not exist in the movie world until further notice. Thus, the Hydra would be unable to conceal itself as janitors.
  15. The middle Hydra head breathes fire.
    1. The Hydra was actually a water creature, breathing fire was never mentioned in any myth and seems to be very unlikely for it.
  16. There are originally five Hydra heads.
    1. There are actually nine original heads, the middle of them was immortal.
  17. The aggressiveness and persistence of the Lotus Eaters.
    1. The Lotus Eaters never showed any ounce of wanting to harm the vistors of their island, they never forced anyone to eat their lotuses. They only offered them to be good hosts. All in all they would probably prefer for people to stay away from them and their lotuses, more for them.
  18. Charon burns the money that Grover gave to him.
    1. Although Charon probably doesn’t get out much, he would’ve recognized currency when he saw it. Being as obsessed with money as he is, he would’ve accepted the paper money that Grover had given him.
  19. There is no visible water that Charon’s boat is floating on.
    1. In order to get into the Underworld by way of Charon, one must cross the river Acheron, the river of pain.
  20. The dreams given up by humans are floating through the nonexistent river.
    1. This would not be so for the river Acheron. It would, however, be true for the river Styx. It is a common misconception that you pass the Styx to get to the Underworld.
  21. The Underworld is a place full of suffering, fire, and hate.
    1. The Underworld actually has two realms of happiness, two realms of apathy or neutrality, and two realms of hate. The two realms of happiness are the Isles of the blest and Elysium, the two apathetic/neutral realms are the Fields of Asphodel and the Palace of Hades, and the two realms of hate of the Fields of Punishment and Tartarus.
  22. Hades claims that he was banished, damned, to the Underworld.
    1. Hades and his brother drew straws in order to pick their domains. Hades is permitted to leave the Underworld at a time of his choosing, he just chooses not to unless he is needed.
  23. Once Hades has the bolt, he does not let the group go, thus not keeping true his part of the deal.
    1. Hades was one of the fairest gods, he always had conditions that were equal to what you wanted him to do. He always held up his side of the deal and treated every hero who came to his domain equally.
  24. Hades wants to be King of the Gods/is the villain in general.
    1. Although not particularly happy with his placement, Hades would never want to be king of the gods. Rather, he would want to be recognized for what he has done. Likewise goes for being the bad guy, I can't think of a myth off the top of my head where Hades is evil rather than the victim or just the antagonist over all.
  25. Persephone does not love Hades, and complains that her life in the Underworld is hell.
    1. While she may not have loved him at first, Persephone (or Kore, as she was known before marrying Hades) did grow to love him very much. So much so, that Zeus was able to trick her into having sex with him by disguising himself as Hades. Persephone relished her time with her husband just as she did the time with her mother, if not more.
  26. The gods’ seats go boy-girl-boy-girl, etc.
    1. On one half of the room were the boys, the other half the girls (With the exception of Dionysus, whose seat used to belong to Hestia).
Next Up: Disney's Hercules.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Vacation Was A Week

Around last week my friend Briana came over to visit for the first time. The reason it was so exciting was because she lives in a completely different state and it takes eight hours to get to my house from hers.

It was a very cramped drive.

Anywho, one of the highlights was going to a theme park that was THREE HOURS from my house, so that was more cramped driving (this time with out my brother)!  Upon entering the park, of course, one finds a giant Santa Claus statue. Keep in mind that Briana and I are the type of friends that others label nerds (the correct term is Geek, my friends) and freaks. We tend to relate anything we kind find to things like Percy Jackson and Kingdom Hearts. Naturally we see the statue and immediately do this:

The first thing we rode was the carousel; no pictures of that because Mom rode with us (she's the master photographer here). The next thing was the bumper cars; something I always sucked at and something Briana never rode in her life.

Sense I'm the best driver in the world, I plan to use road rage.

What actually happened was that I caused a road block that got everyone in the room jammed up at one of the corners. Quite fun.

After that we headed to the Lewis and Clark Trail. Which is funny, cus that morning I heard a girl saying it was the most boring ride in the park. I dare say we had a good time on it:

After that we rode a good old fashion log ride. Briana is scared of rides, so this took some energy from her (briefly. We got her some sugar and sat down on a bench. Then she was like WHAT'S NEXT?)  While she was resting, I decided to ride on the Hallow Swings. I thought I was going to be all cool about it, but instead I almost stopped breathing.

We decided to get some lunch after that, but we past the Raven on the way to where we were going to eat. Rollarcoasters, even the wimpy ones like the Raven, are my babies. I naturally drug them with me towards the line so I didn't have to wait by myself (Mom's back wasn't feeling too great and Briana's scared, as I said before). I told Briana that I was going to go through the entire ride without screaming once, and that's exactly what happened.

Never found out who that guy was, never got a look at his face either (he was with the two girls in the car behind me).

After that we ate. There was a guy sitting behind us that look just like Justin Beiber, it was freaky.

Briana and I decided that then was the time to act like the geeks we are. We blended Pokemon and Percy Jackson together, saying things like:
"A wild Nico appears.
Makaria uses attract.
It super effective."

"A wild Percy appears.
Briana uses attract.
It's super effective.
Annabeth uses slap.
It's super effective."

I do hope we scared some people.

After lunch we headed to Splashin' Safari (I looked very sexy in my swimming suit), where we almost drowned in the Splash pool (no pictures because it was watery and the camera wasn't water proof). We rode the Wildebeest three times because Briana loved it and we screamed like little girls each time. We climbed large stairs three times, putting both of us into panic attacks and me into a small asthma attack.

We headed back to the dry park, where I completed my destiny of riding the Holiday World rollarcoasters in order. No pictures of that, I have no idea why, BRIANA. We headed to the dark ride where Briana and I shot turkeys (I got a grand total of zero points) and then headed off to the river rapids rides, a classic ride that is always enjoyable.

Throughout the entire day, we had encountered this one kid with green hair. I noticed him getting in line for the river rapids before us, and I joking said, "I hope we get to ride with Green-haired Kid." We did, and we got soaked.

Then, we decided to ride a second time. Without Green-haired Kid.
Then we rode a third time, BY OURSELVES.


It was amazing.

Then we got blue ice cream to make Percy Jackson proud, and then we went home because our feets were beginning to really hurt.

And that is literally the extent of the happy part of my vacation. One day. Well, not counting OMGcon and the rest of the time Briana was here. That's about five days.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beautiful People: Ariana

My friend Anna over at Sister in the Savior told me to do because it was "this awesome thing on blogger".

What is their full name? 
Ariana Evelyn Roberts

Does his or her name have a special meaning?
Well, Ariana means "Very Holy" and that's kind of why I picked it. The other two names are just because I think they sound nice together.

Does your character have a methodical or disorganized personality?
She's a big contradiction, with some things she's neat but sometimes she's not.

Does he or she think to themselves more than they talk out loud to their friends? (and more importantly, does he or she actually have friends?)
She has a few close friend and some good friends. She thinks to herself more than she talks to her friends, though. Sometimes her friends force information out of her.

Is there something he/she is afraid of?
She's afraid of severe storms, fights, the occasional mirror, and some other minor things.

Does he or she write, dream, dance, sing, or photograph? 
She doesn't really have a hobby, but later on she develops a habit of drawing portraits of people she doesn't know.

What is his or her favorite book? (or genre of books)
She likes ancient history books, mythology resources, and just plain research books in general. She's also been known to wonder into the occult section on occasion. Oh, and comic books. She just likes to flip through those, though.

Who is his or her favorite author/someone who inspires him or her?
Her father(s) (not a gay parent thing, but not a stepdad either. I can't really explain without giving it away), Liam Shaw later on in the story, and Nahte kind of inspires her to stop being depressed but I'm not sure if he counts.

Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Does pomegranate sorbet count? If not, french vanilla with lots of chocolate syrup.

Favorite season of the year?
The Holiday season by far.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Narnia-Ghostbusters Crossover

My dad just got back from the hospital this morning, so he isn't feeling that great. I thought I'd draw him something quick, and this was my first thought. He's always joking about this scene in Voyage of the Dawn Treader, so I thought I'd go ahead and make it out for him.

Get better, Daddy~

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mythical Inaccuracies in the Movies -- CotT (2010) Part 4

And that concludes this edition of Mythical Inaccuracies in the Movies.

Normally I'd be able to put aside the inaccuracies and actually enjoy the movie, but there was one thing about this certain movie. I read in the trivia section of its imdb profile that Sam Worthington, the actor who plays Perseus, took this role because he wanted his young (I believe nine years old) nephew to have an accurate, good mythological movie in his generation.

I'm not trying to be mean here, though I am rather frustrated that this is acceptable in society. The ancient myths that were told by our ancient ancestors are just fine the way they are. Sure, not much happens on Perseus's flight to Medusa's lair, but the overall myth itself s one my absolute favorite myths. Nothing is wrong with them, very little about them needs to be tweaked. They are fine on their own.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mythical Inaccuracies in the Movies -- CotT 2010 Part 3


By the way, Kristi is my go-to when I find something I'm not quite sure about. She knows more about Egyptian, Asian, and European mythologies rather than Greek. I guess it was too mainstream for her.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mythical Inaccuracies in the Movies -- Clash of the Titans (2010), Part 1

It's no secret to nearly everyone I know that Greek mythology is my passion (that and Disney Princesses). So, naturally, it upsets me when the movie industry screws the stories up. Unfortunately, this happens in pretty much every movie that's made about any mythology. Greek, Roman, Arabic, Egyptian, Christian; you name it, it's probably been butchered.

One such case, and probably one of the worst, is the 2010 remake of Clash of the Titans.

When I first saw this movie, I was extremely excited to see it. I thought this was going to be one of the best movies of the year.

I was extremely disappointed within the first five minutes of the movie. I wanted to leave the theatre within the next twenty minutes, the only things keeping me there were my father and the awesome special effects.

Now that I have my own laptop to carry around with my at school, I could critic the movie after I finished my school work. I joked around with my friends and family, telling them I would nitpick all of the mythical errors out of the movie. A while back I got bored enough to actually begin the project. I thought that, after the first few minutes, the inaccuracies would stop because the explaining would be done. I was horribly wrong, of course (though the majority of the inaccuracies ARE within the first ten-twenty minutes).

I really wish I could tell you that it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be, but that's unfortunately not true. The whole movie is about 95 minutes (without the credits) long. The inaccuracies? Five away from being 1 per minute. And that's without me really nitpicking at it. Granted, I only watched to movie once all the way through for this project, but still, 90?

For your enjoyment, I've decided to post the list here. However, since there are so many, I'm going to be diving it into parts. I'm not quite sure how to divide it, though. For this post, I think I'll just have the first 15, and move on from there.

I hope you have lots of free time on your hands.

EDIT: I don't know how I forgot to put this in there: Argos did indeed play a roll in the myth of Perseus, it was were King Acrisius ruled. After Perseus killed his grandfather by accident, he did not claim Argos as his kingdom, as was his birthright. Instead, ashamed because of the murder, he gave Argos to Megapenthes. Perseus went on to found Mykenai.

Do forgive me for the quality of the photos, especially since they are so hard to read. I'll probably post some others, hopefully easier to read, tomorrow afternoon.

Call me a nerd, a geek, a loser, go ahead and tell me that a I have no life, troll me, send me hate mail, and all of that. I don't care. This was actually really fun for me.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Good Lawd

I am watching Ghostbusters, random piece of information.

I haven't updated since, what?, early February? Well, I've got some updates since then:

1) The Sci-fi is on a slight hold, so I can finish the:
2) Romance in the works. Remember A+A? Yeah, I decided to write it as a book now. I can't really write comics or anything very well, so, yeah.
3)Updating my NaNoWriMo, Makaria, as well. Why? I need something to do when I'm bored with the Romance or Sci-Fi. Which happens a lot I've noticed.

I'm never going to get anything done.

I might also start posting information on the main characters for the different novels, by the way (including picture because I really need to practice working on my tablet).

I got my haircut. I look like Haku from Spirited Away but blond.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Backpacks Don't Have Sexual Orientation."

That's a quote from gym class, one of the best classes of the day. :)

I haven't updated A+A in a while because I've been busy with my novel. I think it'll just be something I update when ever I get the chance, instead of every week like a planned.

"It's a leprechaun, Bowser eat leprechauns."

I discovered a new game recently, it's a browser game that's surprisingly fun dispite the lack of graphics. It's called Alter ego. Try it, it's a little slow at first, but it speeds up before you know it. It's addictive, though, because I've barely finished my Future Problem Solving homework because I found this. In other words: BE. CAREFUL.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A+A No Today 1

I would love to say that i made the most glorious cover art for A+A, but sadly I have not. I made the cover art, but it's absolutely horrible. So have a princess instead:

This came about when my friend Ashley was talking about drawing each other in Disney Princess outfits. I like the dragon the best.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Art is A Slut (Anyone Can Do It)

Well, I woke this morning to a journal update from everyones one of my favorite artists/writers on deviantART. After hour upon hours of begging and pleading for me to copy-paste this message here, she FINALLY agreed.

I'm just kidding, I bet she didn't expect me to actually copy-paste it, though. :P

So here it is, it may or may not b slightly abridged (just kidding, or am I?):

I'm really sorry I'm not replying to all of your reviews lately but it's because I've been a bit busy as said before. I'm reading all notes and comments and still and I plan to get on them as soon the "doctor marathon" ends. For now, I decided to show you some funny stuff.
Actually, how come you people didn't like laugh at my last blog? Sure it was huge but it was like super funny. LAUGH NOW PEOPLE :iconraegplz:!
Anyway, I know loads of you like my work though I'm not really sure on the *WHY* and I love that a big amount my followers are 16 or under (that's a very pedophile thing to say, isn't it?) because you are all either starting to get the hand of it or you are just beginning. I know how it can be particularly hard at this point because sometimes you feel like there is no progress and you have these images in your head that simply won't match with the final results.
Here's a reality about drawing:
a)There's no limit to the "awesomeness" of an artist. You can always improve. 
b) You know how people will say "I can't draw, I don't have a gift." - That's shit. It's not about gift; the "gift" for arts is how imaginative or creative you are; how you can mix colors and get good concepts and good art - this is the gift -now, when it comes to the execution and the "know how" -it has NOTHING, I repeat: NOTHING to do with talent. Is a matter of patience. 

I used to draw in notebooks -sure, not only school notebooks, all sorts of notebooks and papers and all that - but I also bought random notebooks specifically to draw on them. Then, I'd draw a person on each page, or two people or whatever it was I was practicing and I'd be happy with the results (luckily back then there was no such thing as DeviantArt and I wasn't aware of how much I sucked in comparison to others) and then months later, I'd use the space left on the pages to do the same drawing I had done before.
And I could clearly see the improvement.

We all feel bad when we compare our art to other people whose work we love what we seem to be unable to understand is that we probably won't ever be like the artists we love, but that's A GOOD THING. Anyone can learn to write and anyone can learn to draw, but just like our handwriting, it doesn't matter how much we copy one artist, our identity will always be there because we have our own style.

So, I'm not saying that "anyone can learn to draw, it's easy" -what I'm really saying is that "anyone who commits enough of their time can develop their own style and improve from it". I'm also not saying that because "it's your style" you don't need to study some basics like anatomy or shadowing or anything; as I said at the beginning:
There's never a limit to the awesomeness.

So choose an artist (or more than one artist) and start from there. Say "I wanna be like them, I wanna be able to do this!" and work and work and work and work and when you feel like it's not being worth it, don't do like everyone else that says "I don't have a gift", just say "I don't have patience." - because everyone can do art. 

The same way you need to be a good reader to be a good writer, you need to know art to make good art -and you have to understand that there are so many different styles, there are many different ways to be "good" at drawing. Have you checked my favorite artists list? It says Dr. Seuss, Alphonse Mucha, Milo Manara and Charles Schullz. 

They are not exactly similar. 

And let's not get started with Manga, right? There's Clamp -whose anatomy skills and styles change from artist to artist and are always breath taking; there's Hayao Miyasaki, who's an animation genius and has quite a simple style for beginners and, there's also Masakazu Katsura who, to me, is god on earth since he's my favorite mangaka of all. This not to mention Ai Yazawa, Chiho Saito, Naoko Takeuchi...

Look, the main point of this pointless post is that we all have goals and we all have to start at some point, I'm hardly where I want to be (believe me; you don't wanna see me drawing animals or coloring things by hand - I get close to tears) and I wanna keep on going. I don't see the artists that inspired me long ago as much as I used to see before but, as a response, I've reached something I would not get if I had just kept copying and never tried mixing all sorts of arts: I got something that is mine.

You know how I'm always talking about :iconpuchusenpai: ? So, as I said before, back in my time :granny: there was no such thing as DeviantArt so, to me, it was either "you're so good you can have your own tv show" or "you suck at drawing" but then I met her. A person who was just like me (Except a lot more talented) and, even though I had been drawing all my life, seeing there was a realperson that could do what she did, kinda hit something inside my head:
"It's humanly possible."

You know, it's kinda the same feeling you get when you read Twilight and you think "Oh yeah, anything can get published these days! I could do that too!" :iconstudmuffinplz: 

So, I'm very happy that you're all young and beginning and that I can be here to, maybe, be your very own :iconpuchusenpai: - I'm not that big of an artist, I don't make money out of it and I had to learn everything from scratch just like you all. So, here are some funny picture I'd like to share to prove my point.

Puchu's dream was to draw like Clamp (more specifically like Mokona Apapa -responsible for Rayearth, X, Tokyo Babylon and such), can you see how much of them there is in her art?

Those eyes are undeniably clampish.

Now, as for me, I had taken upon me a bit of a harder task, lol. I wanted to be like Katsura who, in case you don't know, developed Video Girl Ai, I's and many others -his style is an hybrid of human and manga and his backgrounds are to die for.

I'd say "I hope he dies" but I love him too much for that. 

You know my gallery, you can always tell I'm more on the human side than on the actual manga side, right? I had a bunch of inspirations though, that's probably why I think my art ended up so weird. My chibi expressions come from reading too much Ken Akamtsu (Love Hina) while their shapes are inspired by Masami Tsuda's KareKano , my eyes are so simple I could blame Rumiko Takahashi (InuYasha and Ranma 1/2) but they are small so we go back to Katsura. Then there's the coloring; which is my weakest link. I still dream of one day doing the sort of thing MayumiYokoyama, Miwa Weda and Naoko Takeuchi do and, honestly, I highly doubt I'll get anywhere near that. 

I wanna have the ability to write stories like Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim) and to execute them gracefully to the point where I can make people cry like Natsuki Takaya (Oh, Fruits Basket <3)! Just like you all, I'm still just beginning.

The difference, of course, is that I'm older and will die sooner. 

Anyway, as to prove my point and to reward you all for getting to this point here are some cool the me of yesteryears: 

 (my stupid friend :iconpuchusenpai: has being posting them lately and I'm so getting her for that. This here is just a sketch from a few years ago like, I don't know, three to five years ago or something...We both draw so usually we just go out and make this type of thing, it's even drawn with a ballpoint pen.

Then, there's this one (you can totally see the K2R vibe in this), I did when we were both in high school, I think I was 14:

 We used to joke that Puchu could never get a boyfriend (well, I used to joke about that, she'd just get pissed off. I remember once throwing her a surprise birthday party with a sign that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I can't believe you're 19 and still single. Sucks to be you, right?") so I used to say I'd be her Video Girl (in case you don't know the plot for the manga, a girl comes out from the video and tries to help you with your love life) but since I sucked at love, I'd always ruin her chances at getting relationships. 
Most Video Girl names were like "Ai - I'll comfort you", "Len - I'll help you find love") - My title - in Portuguese - was a Brazilian slang that went something like (in a very ghetto way) "T-chan - Brace yourself, it's happening sooner or later)". 

And THEN here comes the really ugly stuff, from when I was THIRTEEN, just a year previously to this "not so bad yet hideous things I just posted): 


So, basically, what I'm trying to say to anyone who survived this post is that; the girl who LESS THAN ten years ago drew the drag queen above, just posted these three pieces to her gallery:

And, this one under her traditional art gallery:

So, really, if you have patience, you might not get exactly where you wanted, but you will get somewhere new and better because it's all yours. 


P.S.: And I love you all, my watchers - and I want you all to keep drawing and making progress because I keep track of your art and I love recognizing your OC's on drawings and even more recognizing your own styles. I'm an old lady, I get happy with this sort of thing.
Well, with that and with the medication I take regularly to keep me happy and shiny like a unicorn. :iconharmonyharmonyplz: . So maybe it's drugs talking, or maybe is the fact that I'll be turning 22 really soon but I just felt like telling you all to keep doing what you're doing and do a little bit more 'cause life is just like RPG - but without the elves and werewolves (which kinda sucks) but it's all about gathering XP at each new battle.

I'm already embarrassed of the art I posted less than a year ago, like the PJatO boys and PJatO girls looking sharp and feel like redoing them, you know? Progress comes really fast -it's scary. 

And I won't even get started on the whole "writing in English" thing - did you know that I only started learning English by the age of Twelve? It's going to be ten years since I first started my English course and here I am. Patience, people, PATIENCE. 
And effort. Loads and loads of effort.

My favorite part was the unicorn. :B

So, Miss Thatu/ThaĆ­s/Anyothernameyougoby, did you actually expect me to post this?

You can see Thatu's art, fanfiction, rantings, and other here.
Oh, and donate to her if you can. Because she's awesome and deserves it. :B

Also, the title is hers, not mine.