Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Vacation Was A Week

Around last week my friend Briana came over to visit for the first time. The reason it was so exciting was because she lives in a completely different state and it takes eight hours to get to my house from hers.

It was a very cramped drive.

Anywho, one of the highlights was going to a theme park that was THREE HOURS from my house, so that was more cramped driving (this time with out my brother)!  Upon entering the park, of course, one finds a giant Santa Claus statue. Keep in mind that Briana and I are the type of friends that others label nerds (the correct term is Geek, my friends) and freaks. We tend to relate anything we kind find to things like Percy Jackson and Kingdom Hearts. Naturally we see the statue and immediately do this:

The first thing we rode was the carousel; no pictures of that because Mom rode with us (she's the master photographer here). The next thing was the bumper cars; something I always sucked at and something Briana never rode in her life.

Sense I'm the best driver in the world, I plan to use road rage.

What actually happened was that I caused a road block that got everyone in the room jammed up at one of the corners. Quite fun.

After that we headed to the Lewis and Clark Trail. Which is funny, cus that morning I heard a girl saying it was the most boring ride in the park. I dare say we had a good time on it:

After that we rode a good old fashion log ride. Briana is scared of rides, so this took some energy from her (briefly. We got her some sugar and sat down on a bench. Then she was like WHAT'S NEXT?)  While she was resting, I decided to ride on the Hallow Swings. I thought I was going to be all cool about it, but instead I almost stopped breathing.

We decided to get some lunch after that, but we past the Raven on the way to where we were going to eat. Rollarcoasters, even the wimpy ones like the Raven, are my babies. I naturally drug them with me towards the line so I didn't have to wait by myself (Mom's back wasn't feeling too great and Briana's scared, as I said before). I told Briana that I was going to go through the entire ride without screaming once, and that's exactly what happened.

Never found out who that guy was, never got a look at his face either (he was with the two girls in the car behind me).

After that we ate. There was a guy sitting behind us that look just like Justin Beiber, it was freaky.

Briana and I decided that then was the time to act like the geeks we are. We blended Pokemon and Percy Jackson together, saying things like:
"A wild Nico appears.
Makaria uses attract.
It super effective."

"A wild Percy appears.
Briana uses attract.
It's super effective.
Annabeth uses slap.
It's super effective."

I do hope we scared some people.

After lunch we headed to Splashin' Safari (I looked very sexy in my swimming suit), where we almost drowned in the Splash pool (no pictures because it was watery and the camera wasn't water proof). We rode the Wildebeest three times because Briana loved it and we screamed like little girls each time. We climbed large stairs three times, putting both of us into panic attacks and me into a small asthma attack.

We headed back to the dry park, where I completed my destiny of riding the Holiday World rollarcoasters in order. No pictures of that, I have no idea why, BRIANA. We headed to the dark ride where Briana and I shot turkeys (I got a grand total of zero points) and then headed off to the river rapids rides, a classic ride that is always enjoyable.

Throughout the entire day, we had encountered this one kid with green hair. I noticed him getting in line for the river rapids before us, and I joking said, "I hope we get to ride with Green-haired Kid." We did, and we got soaked.

Then, we decided to ride a second time. Without Green-haired Kid.
Then we rode a third time, BY OURSELVES.


It was amazing.

Then we got blue ice cream to make Percy Jackson proud, and then we went home because our feets were beginning to really hurt.

And that is literally the extent of the happy part of my vacation. One day. Well, not counting OMGcon and the rest of the time Briana was here. That's about five days.

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