Sunday, December 26, 2010

And I have a Tablet :)

You can also see it at my deviantART page. 

I'll get to working on something for the blog after I finished something my friend requested from me, which is almost done if you happen to reading this Anna.

Anyone who can identify this meme gets bonus points.

I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a good one; mine was pretty awesome. I am now the proud owner of a Pillow Pet, yesssss. I was also more excited about Princess and the Frog doll than I was about my $70 tablet, so that shows you what kind of a person I am.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

4 Projects -- Ahhhhh

So, as I'm watching Mythbusters, I've decided what I'm going to do with my personal projects:

1 - The novel I'm writing now, which has no name other than its code-name Clous, isn't going to be a novel; it'll be a webcomic (or it'll just stay in the depths of my mind for all eternity).

2 - I'm going to be working on another webcomic - A+A - which will chronicle the unusual tale of two lovers.

3 - The last webcomic, which probably won't be updated much, will be about Greek Gods. In the modern day, in the ancient day, and just screwing each other up. Both meanings of the word "screw"are to be used in this context.

4 - I have decided my actual novel will be Chrono. Which is basically told from some 19-year-old guy who is sent to watch over a 12-year-old girl, nicknamed Nan by the government. The whole thing is an ESP convention; complete with telekinetics, clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy, aura reading, tarot cards, out-of-body experiences, and everything else you can get when you Google "Extrasensory perception."

I've always wanted to write a novel like that. :)

EDIT: Due to the fact that Chrono has been written, oh, one hundred times before (not the exact story, of course, but you get my point), I think I'll just go ahead with Clous. I'm so indecisive.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hyperventilation? No…

Well, finals are tomorrow. Everyone seems to be freaking out, I'm pretty much mellow on the subject. Sure it's ten percent and it might bring my grade down a little, but I have a good memory. That and, like, a ninety-nine in one of my most hated subjects. How does that happen? The only final I'm really worried about is the Integrated Science final, because our teacher in that class doesn't really teach. I like her because she's really nice, but she's one of the teachers who say "I don't believe in evolution, but I'm not telling you to believe or not believe that, I just don't believe in evolution. I believe that God…" Um, I respect your views and everything, but did you know you can get fired for saying that? It's like an English teacher saying she doesn't believe in the semi-colon because it's not in the Bible or some other Holy text.

I'm a tad bit worried about US History, but I think I'll get enough right that the wrongs won't matter too much. I hope anyway. Algebra is another I'm kinda iffy on, but I think it's the same thing with the right-to-wrong ratio. That's about all I'm worried about (except maybe the STD part of Life Skills, yikes), so I'm hoping my attitude about the subject won't vary tomorrow.

If we're at school tomorrow. Weather man and Mom say probably not. I'll have to punch someone if we do miss, because then our finals will be mashed up to one day.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

No Snow :(

It snowed all day today (I think it still is, actually), and school is cancelled for tomorrow. My school board is full of paranoid-snow-haters. Any way, I'll be using this opportunity to work on my outline, timeline, and characters for my book. I have all most of my homework done, so it's all good.

I have no idea how long this thing is going to be. Five books, three books, one book because it sucks so bad? Will each book be three-hundred pages? Five hundred? One-hundred? Will I write one a year? (God forbid) two a year?  Hopefully I'll have that somewhat sorted out by tomorrow.

Well, I think that's it for now. Expect one last thing: I just recently stole my dad's old Star Trek collection, Mr. Spock here I come!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stop Motion Can Be Fun

Unfortunately, it can also be very, very time consuming. You really have to have a lot of patience to do it. It took me about two hours to work out a five second clip.

That's what I did last night, I worked nonstop for two hours on a stop motion video that turned out to be five seconds. I've edited it a little more, and I think it's turned out fairly well. I don't know how long the whole thing will be, but it won't be an hour and a half long. Maybe two minutes if I'm lucky. I would love to tell you what it's about, but I don't really know myself. All I know is that it’s about a teenage, gothic-ish girl who is alone for the majority of the film. She goes through a few things alone; during the last few seconds, a boy joins her. They’ll probably kiss, and BOOM. Movie over. At first it was just the girl going through a few days alone and then the boy appearing, but it’s turned into much more than that. Right now all I’ve got is a thunder storm scene, a little five-second thunder storm.

Christmas is quickly approaching, as are finals and Future Problem Solving Competitions (actually it’s been changed to GIPS…). I know I’m going to be getting a tablet for Christmas, whether my parents get it or I have to get it myself, which means I’ll finally be able to update decent art to my deviantArt (it might even make Stop Motion easier for me, maybe) and make the blog prettier. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do with the blog, but my friend Anna (who has this amazing, pretty, gorgeous blog) might help me with it. I can’t wait to make this boring thing pretty and sparkly and nice.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mmmm -- Yummy

Ah, yes. December First has arrived; Hanukkah starts tonight, but I don't celebrate that. I'm a Christmas gal, myself (But Happy Hanukkah to those that do celebrate). December First also brings around the end of something that many people love and detest -- NaNoWriMo. Some lose, but most people who don't procrastinate win with, like, an extra ten words. Like me.

Yeah, I won. With an extra ten words. I am such an over-achiever! I actually finished on the twenty-eighth, because I really wanted to play my Rune Factory game the next day instead of work on my NaNo after homework. So I crapped out a few more words, and DONE. Like Easy-Bake, but no brownie. Just a t-shirt and a certificate.


Remember when I said I would start on my Science Fiction project? Well, I finished watching Push today, and thus a new idea has popped into my imagination (I'm going to start calling my brain something cooler, The Cave maybe). Right now it's called Chrono in my head, but it's bound to change. I don't have any details on it, so I'll spare you my bits and pieces.

So, how did I celebrate my winning of NaNoWriMo? By going to the doctor to get a pulmonary test and Chest X-Ray! I got to miss school, so it's all good. :)
Except for the missing school part, I feel like I'm going to be really behind (especially with finals coming up)! Blood test results also came in -- I'm not anemic or anything else they were testing for. Good, good.